Workshop: Spices 101


Workshop: Spices 101

Most people are spice deficient, meaning they do not use enough spices and if they do, they might be using the wrong ones for their dosha / constitution. At this workshop, I will help you discover how to bring balance to your wellbeing using different spices for each season-dosha-health conditions!

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

At the end of this workshop you will learn:

  • Introduction to the world of spices
  • Importance of cooking with spices
  • Benefits of main Ayurvedic Spices
  • Metabolic Effects
  • How to store and organise spices for maximum medicinal power?
  • How to cook with spices to get the best out of their potency?
  • Make your own sweet and a savoury Masala mixes according to your dosha and seasons

4 Different Masala Recipes included!


workshop spices 101Workshop: Spices 101
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+